Why do I need to go to the dentist if I brush my teeth twice a day?

Why do I need to go to the dentist if I brush my teeth twice a day?

Most people would say they look after their teeth well by brushing and flossing every day. However, we are unable to reach every area of our dentition and are bound to leave some debris. This debris accumulates as plaque, usually hiding under your gums. Over time, plaque will harden as a cemented build up, requiring a professional clean for removal. If neglected, this cemented calcular build up will contribute to the deterioration of the tooth structure. We recommend having a checkup, scale and clean every 6 months to enable us to pick up problems, if any, at an early stage. Many teeth problems will not have any symptoms of pain and discomfort unless it is in the advanced stages. A preventative approach is always better than a complex treatment.

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